All Hemp Yeah! Protein Powder

Hemp Yeah! Protein Powder

Hemp Yeah! Max Protein Unsweetened

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  • 20g Plant Protein
  • 3g Fibre
  • 4.5g Omegas 3 & 6
  • Organic
  • Vegan

With 20g of plant protein per serving, Hemp Yeah! Max Protein is the perfect plant-based protein, offering all essential amino acids. Mild tasting with a creamy texture, it’s delicious added to your favorite smoothie recipe and made with only two ingredients. Try blending with Hemp Yeah! Hemp Milk and fruit for a tasty smoothie – great for athletes!

Plant Protein

Organic hemp protein concentrate, natural oregano extract.


Hemp Yeah! Max Protein Unsweetened Nutrition label

Max Protein Benefits

  • 20g Plant Protein

  • 4.5g Omegas 3&6

  • 3g Fibre


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